Magnesium is calming, no doubt. This hard-working mineral regulates how we experience tension physically and emotionally, downgrading feelings of panic and overwhelm.
Variously known as “nature’s relaxation mineral,” “the original chill pill”, and “nature’s Valium”, magnesium has long been synonymous with mental and physical calming.
Read on to find out how magnesium works to ease symptoms of anxiety and stress.
10 Ways Magnesium Calms the Brain & Body

Studies show magnesium keeps anxiety at bay by regulating and influencing areas of our brain, nervous system, and hormones.
It is particularly active in regulating neurotransmitters, molecules (often hormones) which are the body’s chemical messengers used by the nervous system to transmit messages.
- Magnesium helps to regulate the body’s main stress response system, reducing secretion of the “fight or flight” stress hormones (Sartori et al., 2012)
- Magnesium inhibits the stimulation of receptors in the brain associated with anxiety (Lezhitsa et al., 2011)
- Magnesium promotes receptor functions stimulated by GABA (Poleszak, 2008), a neurotransmitter that promotes calm and relaxation
- Magnesium may also help the brain to replace or “unlearn” fearful memories, reducing anxiety (Poleszak, 2004 & 2008)
- Higher magnesium levels are associated with healthy levels of serotonin, the “happy hormone” that stabilizes mood
- Magnesium is required for the synthesis of dopamine, another “feel-good” hormone and neurotransmitter
- Magnesium regulates thyroid hormone production
- Magnesium “buffers” excess calcium, to keep it within normal levels and limit the stress response (Dean, 2007)
- Magnesium is essential in the production and transport of energy, yet it’s not a stimulant. This can be helpful for those with anxiety.
- Magnesium helps to promote a deeper, more restful sleep. Sufficient sleep, especially REM sleep, facilitates the brain’s processing of emotional information
What if you don’t get enough magnesium?
While getting enough magnesium is proven to calm, too little of this mineral has just the opposite effect.
Inadequate blood magnesium concentration triggers symptoms such as anxiety, nervousness, agitation, low tolerance for stress and weakness (Grober et al., 2015). All of which we’ll discuss below.
But before we can understand the role of magnesium in calming our bodies and minds, we first have to understand how stress works.
How Stress Triggers Anxiety & More

(Interview with Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, excerpted from Calmful Living, Spring 2016)
“A certain amount of stress is adaptive and strengthening,” says Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, author of sixteen books on health. “It strengthens your immune system and your adaptability.”
The body’s stress reactions were meant to protect us, but a perpetual state of stress can take an enormous toll on human health, Bowden explains.
Long-term activation of stressors can disrupt the healthy functioning of systems across the body.
How do we know if what we’re experiencing, mentally and physically, is stress? Most of us recognize stress when we feel it, but the symptoms are wider-ranging than you may know.
The American Institute of Stress publishes 50 Common signs and symptoms of stress and the Top 10 are:
- Frequent headaches, jaw clenching, or pain
- Gritting, grinding teeth
- Stuttering or Stammering
- Tremors, trembling of lips and hands
- Neck ache, back pain, muscle spasms
- Lightheadedness, faintness, dizziness
- Ringing, buzzing, or popping sounds
- Frequent blushing, sweating
- Cold, sweaty hands and feet
- Dry mouth, problems swallowing
Symptoms of chronic stress include irritability, anxiety and insomnia.
As it turns out, these short-term and chronic symptoms of stress are also symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is essential for two facets of stress management: it helps to prevent the physical tension that leads to stress, and magnesium downgrades our physical response to stressful situations.
That’s why it’s so important to have an adequate intake of the “anti-stress mineral”.
Magnesium & Stress Hormones: Cortisol & Adrenaline

(Excerpted from an article by Dr. Alison Smith, Ph.D. Get the full article by Dr. Smith in a downloadable PDF here).
When the body is in a state of alarm, the adrenal glands release surges of stress-related hormones (Smith & Vale, 2006).
Two of the most famous stress hormones are cortisol and epinephrine.
“Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain’s use of glucose, and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues.” (Mayo Clinic)
The other major stress hormone, epinephrine, is also known as adrenaline. It’s the hormone that gives us a rush in moments of fear.
When adrenaline surges, it speeds the heart rate, increases blood pressure, expands the air passages, and generally prepares the body to fight or flee.
While cortisol and adrenaline are useful in emergencies, persistently high cortisol levels are associated with many poor health outcomes. Cortisol affects the digestive system, reproductive system, and too much cortisol can affect normal growth processes.
That’s why magnesium is so essential.
Magnesium suppresses the secretion of cortisol and adrenaline from the adrenal glands. It also suppresses the release of less famous stress hormones, like adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), from the pituitary gland (Sartori et al., 2012).
Magnesium also “buffers” excess calcium to keep it within normal levels, limiting the stress response. Calcium stimulates the release of adrenaline and in excess can cause a surge of this stress hormone. (Dean, p. 50)
What does this mean for how you’ll feel in moments of tension and fear?
When you have enough magnesium in the bloodstream, your body will recover more quickly from moments of stress. That surge of cortisol and adrenaline will be moderated, and you’ll be less likely to respond with all sirens blazing in circumstances that aren’t true emergencies.
Essentially, when it comes to the stress response, magnesium acts like a warmly welcomed chill pill.
Magnesium Depletion Under Stress & Health Risks

The relationship between magnesium and stress works in two directions: magnesium counteracts stress but stress depletes magnesium.
Any stress, whether mental or physical, will deplete magnesium from the body. The body uses up magnesium stores in reacting to stress. And a body without enough magnesium will exhibit more of the symptoms of stress.
A study carried out on people with test anxiety showed that the subjects lost more magnesium through urine when they were exposed to stressful exam conduction.
Stress voids the body of its magnesium stores, and yet we need magnesium to counteract the effects of stress. Without enough magnesium, our bodies can’t effectively cope with stress:
- When blood pressure soars, the smooth muscles in the walls of your blood vessels can go into spasm if you are magnesium deficient. This can cause chronic hypertension
- When blood sugar rises, magnesium is responsible for insulin opening up cell membranes to allow sugar into the cells. If you are magnesium-deficient, blood sugar continues to rise and cells do not receive glucose
- If the large muscles of the arms and legs are magnesium-deficient, increased circulation can cause muscle cramping
- Without enough magnesium, blood clotting can become enhanced leading to leg, lung, and brain clots
Several studies have shown that magnesium deficiency is a biomarker (or measure) for chronic stress.
“There’s a circular relationship between stress and magnesium,” according to Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS. “Stress causes low magnesium levels, low magnesium levels cause stress, and the circle continues in a nasty downward spiral.”
When you’re stressed, your body releases hormones that cause sudden changes resulting in increased energy production, nerve-impulse transmission, increased muscle function, and heart and blood vessel responses. Adequate magnesium stops a negative chain reaction of stress and helps you return to a calm state.
“I equate it to a hurricane, where some of the structures remain standing and some of them will be blown away—but it’s the same hurricane,” indicates Bowden.
“So you’ve got environmental stress, but how well the house is built determines how it will respond.” Thus, when the body has adequate levels of magnesium, it is able to withstand stress better.
When “Feeling Stressed” Escalates to an Anxiety Disorder

We often use the terms “stress” and “anxiety” interchangeably.
“In a medical or biological context stress is a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Stresses can be external (from the environment, psychological, or social situations) or internal (illness, or from a medical procedure).
Stress can initiate the “fight or flight” response, a complex reaction of neurologic and endocrinologic systems.” – MedicineNet
Slightly distinct from stress, anxiety is the anticipation of future danger. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
Yes, danger! That danger causing your anxiety might be no more serious than, say, social discomfort, for example. You may feel anxious about meeting someone or anxious about a presentation.
When we experience anxiety, we’re on guard (hypervigilant), waiting for the threat to materialize. We have muscle tension. And whether we realize it or not, our anxious minds are preparing our bodies to flee in the face of danger (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
Feeling occasional anxiety is common, but sometimes anxiety becomes a disorder.
Anxiety disorders include a feeling of panic, which is when our minds tell us that danger is here right now! Danger feels immediate or imminent when we experience panic. That desire to escape becomes even stronger when we are panicking.
Anxiety disorders include: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, and phobias (Canadian Mental Health Association, 2013)
The chances are high that an anxiety disorder will touch your life, either as a condition you experience, personally or through a loved one.
It’s estimated that 1 in 10 Canadians will experience an anxiety disorder.
However, only 37% of Canadians with an anxiety disorder seek treatment (Roberge et al., 2011). This may be because we’re not aware of the symptoms of an anxiety disorder, or because people doubt the treatment options.
Treatment Options for Anxiety

To date, cognitive behavioural therapy is considered the most effective form of treatment for anxiety disorders (Rector et al., 2016).
Medications can certainly be life-changing for those with anxiety disorders, but pharmaceuticals typically have negative side effects.
Pharmaceutical treatments for clinical anxiety include antidepressants, serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and benzodiazepines. The side effects can include decreased alertness, dependency, sexual dysfunction, and even suicidal thoughts (Lakhan & Vieira, 2010).
In addition to therapy, lifestyle, diet changes, and some supplements may be good alternative treatments for anxiety, in some cases. The case for magnesium supplementation is strong, as we’ll discuss.
Magnesium, Anxiety, NMDA Receptors & GABA

(Excerpted from an article by Dr. Alison Smith, Ph.D. Get the full article by Dr. Smith in a downloadable PDF here).
Brain areas associated with anxiety include the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (Abumaria et al., 2011).
Under normal, healthy circumstances, magnesium “stands at the gate”, inhibiting stimulation of receptors in brain regions associated with anxiety (Lezhitsa et al., 2011).
These NMDA receptors are stimulated by glutamate, which is the main neurotransmitter responsible for nervous system function (Newcomer et al., 2000).
With enough magnesium inside of your cells, glutamate stimulation of receptors is stable and healthy. Without enough magnesium, glutamate overstimulates the receptors.
The results can include cognitive and mood disorders like anxiety (Newcomer et al., 2000; LeDoux, 2007; Grober et al., 2015; Poleszak et al., 2004).
Magnesium does even more in the brain to help prevent anxiety. It promotes Gamma-Amino-Butyric Acid-A (GABAA) receptor function (Poleszak, 2008).
GABAA receptors are stimulated by GABA, a neurotransmitter that promotes calm and relaxation. Magnesium helps to bind GABA to the GABAA receptor, preventing over-stimulation that can result in anxiety (Moykkynen et al., 2001).
How Magnesium Helps the Brain “Unlearn” Fear & Anxiety

(Excerpted from an article by Dr. Alison Smith, Ph.D. Get the full article by Dr. Smith in a downloadable PDF here).
Brain regions most associated with the state of anxiety include the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC).
Anxiety is essentially learned and unlearned (or “extinguished”) through these areas of the brain. Researchers are interested in how speeding up learning can help us to unlearn fear and essentially rewire the brain to be less anxious.
The Amygdala
The amygdala is most associated with the emotional state of fear. In fact, increased activation within the amygdala generates fear responses to non-threatening stimuli (Guyer et al., 2008).
When we experience something we perceive as dangerous (consciously or unconsciously), a whole cascade of excitation takes place in the brain.
With repetition, the amygdala creates a new fearful memory. The amygdala stores that memory of fear.
This is self-protective. Our brain is always on the lookout for information that will help us to survive. However, experiencing excessive fear in situations that are not innately dangerous can develop into a chronic anxiety disorder (Abumaria et al., 2011).
The Hippocampus
The amygdala works closely with the hippocampus, an area of the brain that supports the process of learning new, healthy memories that inhibit the fearful memories — this process is known as extinction.
If you experience a chronic anxiety disorder, fear extinction is very positive. It’s like the extinction of a habit or behaviour that isn’t helpful.
In 2010, researchers reported that increasing magnesium concentration within the brains of rodents enhanced learning within the hippocampus. (Slutsky et al.)
Since the hippocampus plays a role in the extinction of fearful memories, supplementing with magnesium might be a useful strategy to aid extinction, enhance memory, and prevent age-related cognitive and memory decline (Slutsky et al., 2010).
The Prefrontal Cortex
The prefrontal cortex governs highly complex goal-directed behaviours, often referred to as ‘executive functions’ (Funahashi & Andreau, 2013). It has direct connections with the amygdala, and dysfunction within this connection can cause an anxiety disorder (Guyer et al., 2008).
The prefrontal cortex together with the hippocampus also creates newly learned memories. These new memories can extinguish fearful memories housed within the amygdala. (Abumaria et al., 2011).
Animal research shows that oral magnesium supplementation can enhance the extinction of fearful memories in the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus (Slutsky et al., 2008; Abumaria et al., 2011; Fitzgerald et al., 2013).
Researchers demonstrated that administering magnesium improved working memory, learning ability, and short and long-term memory in the rodent model (Abumaria et al., 2011).
Can magnesium speed up the brain’s learning and extinction of fears seen in anxiety disorders? More research is required to know for sure, but the preliminary findings are promising.
Treating Anxiety with Magnesium

(Excerpted from an article by Dr. Alison Smith, Ph.D. Get the full article by Dr. Smith in a downloadable PDF here).
Low levels of magnesium are strongly linked to anxiety, nervousness, agitation, low-stress tolerance, and weakness (Grober et al., 2015; Laarakker et al., 2011).
Yet, significantly raising magnesium levels in the blood has been shown to reduce anxiety (Poleszak et al., 2004).
Several human studies have investigated the effects of magnesium in combination with zinc, calcium, or plant extracts, demonstrating that combined therapy is effective to reduce anxiety (Carroll et al., 2000; De Souza et al., 2000; Hanus et al., 2004).
Animal experiments have shown significant anti-anxiety effects using a variety of forms of magnesium (Abumaria et al., 2011; Lezhitsa et al., 2011)
Several human studies have demonstrated that magnesium is effective for anxiety as part of combination therapy, together with zinc, calcium, or plant extracts (Carroll et al., 2000; De Souza et al., 2000; Hanus et al., 2004).
Is Magnesium the Right Treatment if You Have Anxiety?
If you are interested in trying magnesium as part of a natural anxiety protocol, we recommend speaking with a naturopathic doctor (ND). Look for an ND that specializes in anxiety or mood disorders.
If you have clinical anxiety and are already taking a prescription medication, you should speak with your health care practitioner before making any changes. This article is not intended to prescribe or diagnose and we can’t provide medical advice to individuals.
If you suspect you have undiagnosed, untreated anxiety, we would also recommend speaking with a professional. The right health care provider should respect your interest in natural treatments, whenever possible.
Sleep, Magnesium & Mental Calm

It almost goes without saying that we need sleep to feel calm — not sleepy calm, but calm and mentally balanced. Research backs up the importance of sleep for a positive mood and less “reactivity”.
“Sufficient sleep, especially REM sleep, facilitates the brain’s processing of emotional information.
During sleep, the brain works to evaluate and remember thoughts and memories, and it appears that a lack of sleep is especially harmful to the consolidation of positive emotional content.
This can influence mood and emotional reactivity and is tied to mental health disorders and their severity, including the risk of suicidal ideas or behaviors.
As a result, the traditional view, which held that sleep problems were a symptom of mental health disorders, is increasingly being called into question.
Instead, it is becoming clear that there is a bidirectional relationship between sleep and mental health in which sleeping problems may be both a cause and consequence of mental health problems.” — Mental Health and Sleep, Sleep Foundation
Magnesium helps the body and mind to wind down for sleep and facilitates the release of melatonin at night for a deeper, more restful sleep.
Getting Enough Magnesium to Keep Calm

“About 75 percent of the American population is getting less than 400 milligrams of magnesium each day; we are wildly under consuming it,” Bowden says.
By some estimates, up to 80 percent of Americans are not getting enough magnesium and may be deficient.
Other research shows only about 25 percent of U.S. adults are getting the recommended daily amount of 310 to 320 milligrams for women and 400 to 420 milligrams for men.
Despite the critical role that minerals play in healthy brain function, most Canadian diets are sorely deficient in essential minerals. This deficiency may predispose a significant portion of the population to anxiety-related disorders and mental health issues (Health Canada, 2013).
According to Health Canada, 45% of Canadians fail to consume the minimum daily adult requirement of 250 mg of magnesium (Health Canada, 2013; Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 2016). That’s a shocking 10.4 million Canadians at risk of developing magnesium deficiency and subsequent anxiety disorders.
Magnesium is largely found in plant foods. Low magnesium is so prevalent because modern diets are highly processed and even whole foods are lower in magnesium today than 100 years ago, because of industrial farming practices. (Marler & Wallin, 2006).
Eating magnesium-rich foods like avocados, almonds, spinach, and soy and drinking mineral water is important, but almost everyone can benefit from magnesium supplementation.
In moderate to severe cases of magnesium deficiency, supplementation is the only course of treatment (Durlach et al., 1994).
“Only one percent of magnesium in your body is distributed in your blood,” says Jackie Fields, MD. “It’s quite possible to be deficient and not know it, which is why magnesium deficiency has been dubbed the ‘invisible deficiency.’”
Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, notes that blood tests are not a reliable indicator of magnesium deficiency.
“About half of your body’s total magnesium is found in bones and the rest in your body’s tissues and organs; only 1 percent of it is in the blood, so a blood test for magnesium deficiency is pretty useless,” he says.
“Because we’re so deficient in magnesium and because it’s so important, I’m a big fan of supplementation,” Bowden asserts. “I recommend supplementation way above the RDI levels.”
Bowden often recommends his clients take Natural Calm, “which provides magnesium in a tasty beverage that mixes easily with water and tastes great,” he says. “We use it at my house anytime stress levels are running high, which is most of the time!”
Consult the Recommended Dietary Allowance for magnesium for a conservative estimate of how much you’ll need to meet basic needs. Most people will need more than the government RDA to counter modern daily stresses.
Best Magnesium Supplement for Calming the Mind & Body

What type of magnesium works best for anxiety and stress? There are many forms of magnesium, but some are more effectively absorbed into the bloodstream.
While no studies have definitively determined which form of magnesium is the best to reduce anxiety, the following are a few to try.
Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium citrate is a highly absorbable, water-soluble magnesium in ionic form, that’s ready to get to work right away. We use magnesium citrate as the foundation for all Natural Calm supplements. When life gives you stress, reach for our relaxing magnesium.
Magnesium Glycinate
Magnesium glycinate is a compound composed of magnesium and the amino acid, glycine. Research shows that this form is easily absorbed by the body and has minimal side effects. We use magnesium glycinate in Natural Calm’s Calm Sleep.
Magnesium Chloride
Magnesium chloride can be taken internally, though it is rarer. When used topically, magnesium chloride is sometimes referred to as “magnesium oil”. Topical or transdermal magnesium is great for anyone who cannot effectively absorb magnesium through the gut. We use magnesium chloride in our line of Bolton’s Naturals products.
Magnesium Types to Avoid
Magnesium oxide is one of the most commonly used supplementations to treat indigestion, migraines, and constipation. This form is, however, not as readily absorbable as other magnesium supplements.
When & How to Take Magnesium for a Calming Effect

To maintain a steady state of calm all day, try the drip-feed approach to magnesium supplementation. That is, take smaller, more frequent doses of magnesium.
For example, you could take one Natural Calm gummy at breakfast, one at lunch, and one at dinner.
Or, you could dissolve 1-2 tsp of Natural Calm magnesium citrate powder in a large bottle of water and sip it throughout the day.
Magnesium levels can be easily depleted. As discussed, stress is a major magnesium leech, but so is sweat, drinking alcohol, caffeine…
If you’re regularly depleting your magnesium levels, be sure to top up.
Is Magnesium Safe to Take as a Calming Supplement?

The few times there have been issues with magnesium toxicity it has always involved impaired kidney function or bowel disease that prevents proper absorption of this mineral.
Taking too much magnesium can result in diarrhea so start slowly at a low dose, then increase if needed.
For example, start with one teaspoon of Natural Calm magnesium citrate powder (205 mg of elemental magnesium), which is about half of what most adults require daily.
Side effects from taking too much magnesium are rare unless one has impaired kidney function or severe bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In these cases, consult your healthcare provider. Ask if you can safely take lower doses of magnesium.
Natural Calm for Anxiety and Stress

Before wrapping up this article, we’d like to share quotes from Natural Calm customers who have written in to tell us how using our magnesium supplement is helping them to manage stress and anxiety.
If this post has helped you, please share your story in the comments. And if you know anyone who needs the calming help of magnesium, please share this article!
“Helps calm me down and relax”
“I lead a super stressful life. Calm helps me Calm down, relax and sleep soundly.”
Patricia Frazier
“Made an enormous difference in our lives”
“My son and I both suffer from anxiety. His to the point where he’s been diagnosed with inattentive ADD. This product has made an enormous difference in both our lives.”
Tracy M.
“Helps me unwind”
“Love love love this stuff… helps me unwind before bed. I highly recommend this product to friends and family”
“Amazing sleep and relaxed at night”
“I am so happy with this! I get better sleep. I was taking anxiety meds for panic attacks in my sleep. Since I started taking this every night I no longer have to take my medication. I get amazing sleep and feel so relaxed at night. I can’t live without this stuff! So happy it was recommended to me by a family member! Also helps with bowel movement.”
“No longer feeling anxious”
“I have been using Natural Calm magnesium supplement (The anti-stress drink) for about 2.5 weeks.
I was in the hospital Dec. 10-13th out of work till Dec. 17 with a migraine that just wouldn’t go away. Dr.’s we’re trying all kinds of IV Medicines and nothing was helping. My mom found this product for me to try. I’ve had a couple small migraines since starting it but that’s not what impressed me. Overall, I feel great. It’s amazing.
I also have severe anxiety. Just after a couple days of taking this product, I noticed a difference. I wake up full of energy (and early), I’m happy again. My son even noticed. Says I’m happier and he likes it better now. (Kind of broke my heart though)
I no longer feel anxious. I’ve actually hadn’t needed my anxiety meds in 2 weeks.
I don’t think I have ever felt this great. It’s really unbelievable… I just wanted to share that with you. It’s helped me out a lot.”
Lauren S.
“I’m able to cope with stress”
“I was troubled with mood swings, irritability, crying spells, lots of tension and all the rest of the menopausal symptoms. The clerk at the health food store suggested I try your Natural Calm. Believe me, it has worked wonders! I’m feeling like my old self once again and I’m able to cope with the high stress that is involved in caretaking of an elderly parent. Thank you for this wonderful product. ”
“Never had such a strong positive reaction from one product”
“About 5 hours ago I took 1 teaspoon of it and had an incredibly good reaction. I felt so relaxed yet amazingly alert and clearheaded. I had been suffering from pretty tough stress at work, had the beginnings of elevated blood pressure, frequent headaches and was starting to get depressed.
Just a short while after taking the product I felt so soothed and relieved that I had to write you and tell you. I have tried several different natural products for stress including St. John’s Wort, Kava, and the amino acid GABA as well as numerous formulas that I picked up in health food stores but I never had such a strong positive reaction from one product. This stuff is great!”
Joe L.
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- Stress Becoming A Way of Life For Canadians
- Stress
- Magnesium: The Missing Link in Mental Health? – James Greenblatt, MD
- Magnesium and stress – Magnesium in the Central Nervous System
- Magnesium deficiency induces anxiety and HPA axis dysregulation: Modulation by therapeutic drug treatment
- The Role of Magnesium in Neurological Disorders
- Magnesium for Anxiety: How You Can Fight Anxiety and Feel Bett