Ditch the Gatorade! đź‘Ž Choose These 5 Natural Electrolyte Boosters Instead
Do you know electrolytes are important, (even if you don’t fully understand why) but feel hesitant to consume the artificial drinks famous for replenishing them?
Do you know electrolytes are important, (even if you don’t fully understand why) but feel hesitant to consume the artificial drinks famous for replenishing them?
Have you noticed a link between barometric pressure and headache pain? Research does show that rapidly changing weather does seem to affect those who suffer
Concussions, medically referred to as TBIs (Traumatic Brain Injuries, or sometimes mTBIs, for mild traumatic brain injuries) are a type of injury that does not
Guest post by Dr. Brent Wells Back pain is one of the most common ailments and sources of pain in both men and women. In
Guest post by Aimee Laurence With a huge 70% of college students reporting at least a small amount of sleep deprivation, it is surprising how
Even if your kids are the most adventurous eaters, beans, dark, leafy greens, and fish can often be a hard sell to kids, meaning it’s
There’s no denying the importance of essential nutrients, including minerals such as magnesium, for human health. Magnesium plays a particularly important role in the regulation
GUEST POST BY DR. BRENT WELLS Arthritis is a serious medical problem that is not only painful, but can cause significant health conditions as well. While there
Adapted from the Well.ca post “Why You Totally Need Topical Magnesium” with permission from the author, Anna Bolton. As the fourth most abundant mineral in
The anticipation for Natural Calm Gummies in Canada was huge! Word about the Gummies spread from the US — where they first launched — to
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