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Magnesium Balm with Arnica

Topical Magnesium Balm, now with arnica to relieve muscle pain and more.


358 in stock

Magnesium absorbed through the skin is fast and effective.

Why Magnesium Balm with Arnica?

What's in Magnesium Balm with Arnica?

How to use Magnesium Balm with Arnica

Evidence for Topical Magnesium

How effective is magnesium absorbed through the skin? Consider the evidence from studies:

  • Topical magnesium with a 31% magnesium concentration applied to the skin and via a foot bath was found to increase cellular magnesium concentration by 59.7% in 89% of study participants1
  • Magnesium cream applied daily at a low dose (56 mg) over two weeks was found to significantly increase blood serum and urinary magnesium concentration in a group of participants2
  • Topical magnesium chloride spray applied to the skin for 4 months significantly increased intracellular magnesium concentration3
  1. Watkins K, Josling PD. A pilot study to determine the impact of transdermal magnesium treatment on serum levels and whole body CaMg ratios. The Nutrition Practioner. 2010;14:1-7.
  2. Lindsy Kass, Andrea Rosanoff, Amy Tanner, Keith Sullivan, William McAuley, Michael Plesset. Effect of transdermal magnesium cream on serum and urinary magnesium levels in humans: A pilot study. PLoS One. 2017;12(4):e0174817.
  3. Fabio Piccini, Guglielmo Ragazzoni, Laura Valentini, Emanuela Faloia, Pietro Gobbi. Intracellular absorption of transdermal magnesium demonstrated by ESEM-EDS. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology. 2014;119(1):1.

6 Responses

  1. This amazing balm helps instantly with inflammation. As a result of arthritis of the knees, inflammation of the hip joint appeared. Arnica balm relieves pain and helps in healing. Thanks to those who created it.

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