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How to Make Your Own Magnesium Super-Water ✔️ Magnesium Water Recipe

Magnesium Water Recipe - Natural Calm

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Simple & Powerful Magnesium Water Recipes

Do you know how beneficial magnesium is for your body?

Magnesium is such a vital mineral our body requires that it contributes to over 300 different enzyme reactions! 

Primarily it can help aid our bone health; research has shown that it can help better our bone density, bone crystallization formation and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in females following menopause.

Similarly, magnesium is also believed to relieve tension headaches, contribute to better heart health, regulate your metabolism, nervous system, reduce inflammation, better sleep, stress levels and even act as a pain reliever.

The truth is, there are lots of scientific studies that have been conducted in the past that have shown just how beneficial this mineral can be. Plus, there’s more research always coming to our attention within the scientific community showing just how great magnesium is!

How much magnesium should you be consuming daily?

Magnesium is only beneficial if you’re taking the recommended daily amount for your body. According to the National Institute of Health, you should be consuming the following amount of magnesium:




Pregnancy (P) /Lactation (L)

0-6 months




7-12 months




1-3 years




4-8 years




9-13 years




14-18 years



400mg P, 360mg L

19-30 years



350mg P, 310mg L

31-50 years



360mg P, 320mg L

51+ years




While these are the recommended figures above, it’s not always guaranteed that you will reach these levels. You have to consume a lot of magnesium rich foods to meet these amounts. Similarly, the drinks, foods we consume, and medication we take can deplete magnesium levels too.

What’s more, the water most of us rely on to drink no longer contains the magnesium it did in the past.  In its natural form, “hard water” flows over rocks and picks up minerals along the way, including magnesium. Today, the town and city water that comes from our taps is highly filtered and does not deliver the same levels of natural magnesium.

One great way of making sure you maintain the right levels is by drinking magnesium water. 

Why else is magnesium water beneficial as opposed to tablets or capsules? 

Typically magnesium supplements that are in tablet or capsule form are not as well absorbed. Tablets and capsules are harder for your body to break down into ions small enough to pass through the intestine into the bloodstream. That’s why magnesium in ionic form, already dissolved in liquid, is more absorbable.

For example, Natural Calm magnesium citrate is an ionic magnesium powder that dissolves in water. Compared to tablets and capsules, it has been shown to be more absorbable.

What happens when you put magnesium in water?

When you add a supplemental form of magnesium to water, it may or may not dissolve. Some magnesium supplements simply aren’t designed to dissolve. So, you want to find a form that does fully dissolve or is already in liquid form.

How to make magnesium water?

There are many different ways of making magnesium water today. The easiest way is to find a magnesium supplement that’s formulated to be added to water.

Natural Calm magnesium citrate is already in a form that’s easily dissolved in water. Plus, it comes in delicious fruit flavours, so it makes your water taste better. You can add Natural Calm to a large bottle of water that you sip throughout the day. 

This is especially brilliant for anyone who doesn’t like the taste of water, but wants to avoid drinking sugary alternatives, or water flavouring powders that are artificially sweetened.

If you prefer to DIY, there are ways to make your own magnesium water at home. These methods are certainly inexpensive. However, you may have to experiment to get a flavour you can tolerate. Also, note that not all types of magnesium are equal in quality. 

Magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate are among the highest quality forms. When you choose a lower-quality form to save money on a homemade magnesium water recipe, you may not enjoy all of the health benefits.

Magnesium bicarbonate water recipe #1

Magnesium bicarbonate water is really easy to make; here is an easy recipe


  • A bottle of milk of magnesia (MoM)

    • When getting a bottle of MoM, you will want to ensure that it has no flavour and additional ingredients; it can only be in purified water. Even if there are listed ingredients that are inactive, like bleach, you should not use it. 

    • You don’t want to just buy any type of MoM either; there are various strengths. You will want to purchase the one which has 400mg-595mg per teaspoon (5ml). 

    • It’s also important that you label your bottle correctly, so no one unexpectedly drinks the milk of magnesia and has any unexpected reactions. 

  • 1 litre of carbonated water

    • You should purchase 1 litre of unflavored carbonated water. The water should only contain water and carbon dioxide. 

  • Jar for storage 


  1. Uncap the soda water and pour out a couple of tablespoons.

  2. Shake the MoM and pour out 3 tablespoons. You might want to use a measuring cup to enable more appropriate measurements.

  3. Slowly pour the MoM into the soda water bottle and close the cap.

  4. Next, sake thoroughly until the sediment at the bottom of the bottle has dissolved.

  5. Then leave the bottle alone to stand for 15 minutes.

  6. Afterwards, it should be safe to consume!

It’s important that you consume around 4 ounces twice per day. It’s also important that you carefully label the bottle to stop someone else from consuming too much or mistaking the magnesium water for something else. Note that if you drink too much, you could get diarrhea, headaches, confusion, low blood pressure and more. 

Magnesium Bicarbonate Recipe #2

The second recipe comes from Tusol Wellness


  • 1 pinch of potassium bicarbonate

  • 1 pinch of calcium carbonate

  • 1-2 tsp of magnesium hydroxide

  • 1 pinch of aluminum-free sodium bicarbonate

  • 1 litre of cold reverse osmosis water


  • Soda maker

  • Co2 Cartridges 

  • 2 x 32ounce mason jars


  1. Infuse the cold water and Co2 inside of the soda maker. Then, use the soda maker to make soda.

  2. Once done, quickly transfer them equally into the 2 mason jars and seal them tightly.

  3. Next, get one jar and add potassium to it, seal the lid tightly and shake heavily above your sink. Repeat this step with the other jar.

  4. Following this, open and add calcium, close the lid and shake over the sink. Repeat this with the next jar and the additional ingredients left to add.

  5. Make sure they’re sealed and place in the fridge for 24 hours. You will want to make sure that the water is clear.

  6. Once clear, move the water to clear glass containers and make sure there is no sediment!

  7. Again, refrigerate the water and add to tbsp of the water into your drink or water and consume. You will not want to drink magnesium water all in one go. You will want to do so steadily and slowly increase your dosage each week.

Benefits of magnesium water

Helps absorption 

Magnesium tablets and capsules are often poorly absorbed, as mentioned.

Magnesium bicarbonate may not be the top-quality form of magnesium, but it is readily available and may reduce acidity in the body. Bicarbonate is an alkaline compound.

Overall health benefits 

Drinking water rich in minerals is undoubtedly beneficial for your health. Magnesium is among the hardest-working minerals in the body, and most people don’t get enough. When you raise your magnesium levels, you may notice improvements in sleep, pain, mood, and more. Every system of the body and every cell requires magnesium.

Can you take too much magnesium bicarbonate?

It is possible to take too much magnesium bicarbonate, and if you drink it straight, you could have an upset stomach. Generally, if your dose is smaller than 350mg, it’s believed that it can be safe for consumption. 

However, if you’re consuming large doses, you could be at risk of having irregular heartbeats, confusion, low blood pressure, reduced breathing, coma and in the worst-case scenario, death.

Always seek the advice of a medical professional if you have health concerns, a pre-existing health condition, or if you are on prescription medication.

Magnesium citrate drink powder

As mentioned, you don’t have to make your own magnesium water at home to increase your intake. 

Natural Calm magnesium citrate drink powder is a delicious, safe, effective alternative that has been loved by consumers in the US and Canada for over 30 years. 

Magnesium citrate is produced by mixing magnesium oxide with citric acid, which when mixed in water converts to ionic magnesium citric. 

Natural Calm offers a range of powders that come in natural fruit flavours sweetened with organic stevia. It’s also available in unsweetened/plain.

What is the difference between magnesium citrate and magnesium bicarbonate?

Magnesium is always available in a compound, where the magnesium ion is bound to a salt or an amino acid.

Magnesium citrate tends to be one of the more popular options for magnesium absorption as opposed to magnesium bicarbonate. Magnesium citrate, as mentioned, is magnesium oxide and citric acid (Natural Calm uses citric acid from organic beets).

“Magnesium bicarbonate or magnesium hydrogencarbonate, Mg(HCO3)2, is the bicarbonate salt of magnesium. It can be formed through the reaction of dilute solutions of carbonic acid (such as seltzer water) and magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia).” – Wikipedia

What medications should you not take magnesium with?

While we’ve highlighted how great and beneficial magnesium citrate and magnesium bicarbonate can be, they’re not always for everyone. In fact, if you take certain medications, there can be some interference with Magnesium that could cause harm. 

Tetracycline antibiotics 

You may experience a moderate reaction if you take Magnesium with tetracycline antibiotics. This is because Magnesium can cause the stomach to become attached to tetracyclines and stops the absorption of the antibiotic. The common tetracyclines are erythromycin, tetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline and more.

Digoxin (Lanoxin) 

The purpose of digoxin is to make the heartbeat stronger and regulate the pattern. If you take Magnesium with this medication, it can prevent the effectiveness of this medication by reducing the amount absorbed by the body.

Diabetic medication

One diabetic medication, in particular, sulfonylureas, may increase a great deal when it comes into contact with magnesium salts. As a result, it may contribute to low blood sugar for some patients and cause problems.

High blood pressure medication 

The purpose of most high blood pressure medications is to prevent calcium from entering cells. Magnesium can often block calcium also and therefore cause blood pressure to plummet to dangerously low levels.

Anticoagulant medications

If you’re taking an anticoagulant or antiplatelet medication like aspirin, clopidogrel, heparin, warfarin, ticlopidine, enoxaparin and more, you should be cautious. Just like these drugs, Magnesium may also reduce blood clotting and combined; you may experience increased bleeding and bruising.

Water pills 

Some water pills can increase the magnesium levels in your body. If you take these pills with Magnesium, you might overdose and cause yourself serious harm.

These are just a few medications that interact with Magnesium; before taking Magnesium in any form, we recommend conducting your own research and consulting the advice of a physician when required.

Final thoughts

Magnesium is an essential mineral our body needs and often one that we deprive ourselves of. Our ancestors used to get magnesium through natural water; however, magnesium levels are too low in the water from our taps.  

Similarly, while there are many food sources of magnesium, most of us don’t eat enough magnesium-rich foods. We also quickly deplete our magnesium levels on a daily basis. 

You can help replenish your magnesium levels by creating magnesium water using magnesium citrate or magnesium bicarbonate. They’re really easy and simple methods to allow us to slowly benefit from the properties of magnesium.

If you’re taking certain medications, we always recommend speaking to a physician first before consuming magnesium. 

People also ask

Can I make my own milk of magnesia?

Milk of magnesia is easy to make. All you need to do is get around 8g for 100ml of magnesium hydroxide and mix it in water. 

How can I make my magnesium taste better?

If you’re looking to make magnesium taste better, you will want to make sure the drink as cold as possible. Then you can add juice or the flavour of your choice. Similarly, you could opt to use a flavoured magnesium citrate mix, like the ones we have here.

Which mineral water has the most magnesium?

Out of all the mineral waters on the market, the one that contains the most Magnesium is Gerolsteiner. It contains around 108 mg of Magnesium per litre. 

Do I drink water after taking milk of magnesia?

When you take milk of oral magnesia supplements, it’s recommended that you drink a full glass of water alongside each dose. This is to help regulate your bowel movement.

How long does it take before magnesium’s laxative effect kicks in?

Magnesium citrate works as a natural laxative and will trigger bowel movements. Everyone is different. Some people will have a bowel movement 30-60 minutes after taking it while others may not poop until the next morning, if they take magnesium at night.

Does magnesium citrate clean you out completely?

If you take magnesium citrate by mouth, combined with 32 ounces of water, expect to have a rapid bowel movement within 30-60 minutes of consumption. You can expect to have watery diarrhea. 

Which magnesium is best for sleep and anxiety?

Any good quality magnesium supplement can help with stress, sleep, and mood, including anxiety. You may wish to try Natural Calm Sleep with magnesium glycinate, GABA and l-theanine, all of which aids in relaxation and sleep. 

Which magnesium supplement is best for absorption?

It’s often believed that magnesium citrate is the best supplement to be absorbed by your body. This is because it’s bioavailable and is more easily absorbed in your digestive tract.  

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