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Magnesium For Asthma

magnesium for asthma - breathe easy

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Recently I had a conversation with Russell, one of our sales representatives from Lebeau Excel whose 7-year-old son had been suffering from severe asthma attacks. We talked at length about how magnesium can help treat and prevent asthma.

As a child, I too suffered from asthma, eczema, and allergies to mold, mildew, cats, dogs, and dust. I used puffers and creams loaded with steroids to help the symptoms and took allergy shots for 5 years to help my body become immune to some of the allergens that were attacking it – without much effect.

Little did I know how much magnesium could have helped me during those years. Of course, at that time, neither my doctor nor my parents understood the importance of minerals for health and vitality.

I discovered the link between magnesium and asthma via Dr. Carolyn Dean’s book, The Magnesium Miracle. Dr Dean says that there are three things that we need to know about magnesium and asthma.

  1. Research shows that many patients with asthma and other bronchial diseases have low magnesium levels.
  2. Many drugs used in the treatment of asthma cause a loss of magnesium, only making symptoms worse.
  3. Patients treated with simple magnesium supplementation report marked improvement in their symptoms.

Asthma is characterised by spasms of the bronchi, swelling of the mucus membranes of the lung, and an inability to fully empty the lungs of air.  Asthma may be caused by allergic reactions to external substances like mold, dust, feathers, or by exercise, emotional upset, or infection.

Magnesium helps to alleviate these symptoms by acting as a natural bronchodilator and antihistamine.  It also has a calming effect on the muscles of the bronchial tubes and the whole body.  Without enough magnesium, asthma can become a long-term, chronic problem.

Because Natural Calm magnesium is ionic it goes to work instantly to help alleviate asthma and anxiety attacks, for children and adults alike.

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